The Cost of Intelligent Buildings

The Cost of Intelligent Buildings for buildings is different and the purpose of its implementation is to reduce building maintenance costs and improve the welfare of residents.
The Cost of Intelligent Buildings for buildings is different and the purpose of its implementation is to reduce building maintenance costs and improve the welfare of residents.
One of the importance and necessity of smartening and its implementation in buildings is the issue of protecting the lives of residents against smoke and toxic gases that may be released into the air.
Necessary conditions for smart home | it should be said that no preconditions or special conditions are necessary, and it is possible in all houses
The difference between intelligence and automation is simple. A smart building does not need an observer to give commands and control the system.
Today, the need for intelligence in the construction industry is fully proven, and builders consider it necessary and equip their buildings with the latest technologies in the world.
Smart home services are provided by many companies in Iran, some of which recommend foreign brands and a group of Iranian brands.
In the smart home, the heating and cooling system automatically sets the temperature to the user's pre-set temperature.
The application of intelligent management system in buildings is very diverse and its uses include almost all electrical and non-electrical devices.